The South African Bird Ringing Unit

Ringing birds around Africa!


Colour Ring Projects

Please view the list below to take part in any of the projects in your area. You can view the details of each project by clicking on the title. If you do see any further colour ringed/tagged birds please submit the details by clicking the button below. If you need further details on starting a project or submitting your projects details please click the "Details for Ringers" heading below.

(Alphanumeric = an alphabet letter and a number (eg. A01))

Details for purchasing colour rings (Click to view) or Click Here and read FAQ number 15

Ringers may order their own colour rings directly to save costs and time, but note that you need to register colour ring projects with SAFRING. If you don't register your project (or even single colour ringed bird), you will compromise your own resighting data as well as that of other ringers.

Colour rings may be ordered from AC Hughes,

Engraved colour rings may be ordered from:

  1. Protouch,
  2. Poland, - this includes small engraved colour rings, as small as 2.5mm!, eg see here but these may not be as visible as normal colour rings from great distances.
  3. Wing tags from Spain, email alvar [at]
  4. Poland - Tomasz Iciek, Krzysztof Kaczmarek. We manufacture colour rings, neckollars, wingtags and other marks for birds and other animals. We have been bird ringers and we have been cooperating with Polish Bird Ringing Center for many years. See web. Email office [at]


A few useful guides to colour ring projects may be found here:

  1. Designing a colour ring project Essential reading, written by Steven Piper!
  2. European colour ring projects, especially useful for migrant birds. If you have seen a migrant colour ringed bird, look here and see if you can find out which project it falls under.
  3. Paper on reading colour rings on the BTO web
  4. Gull colour rings - lots of useful info on colour rings


Registered colour ring projects
(this list is not complete - all new projects will be added; ringers are encouraged to send details of current projects in the same format as below, for inclusion)

Please select option below to refine your search.

Group Species Title Locality Province Country Time Ring Type Combination